A Deep Dive Into Positive Parenting Tips ~ Mom Baby Care Tips

A Deep Dive Into Positive Parenting Tips

A Deep Dive Into Positive Parenting Tips

Positive parenting tips

 Positive parenting tips:

Are you also looking for such parenting tips that are positive? Want to learn more positive parenting techniques and ideas for changing your kids' behavior? As a parent of my daughters, I share the experience I have gained in this post.

We began by looking for positive parenting tips, positive parenting techniques and behavioral therapy techniques for children to help us raise happy, healthy and respectful children.

Make child friends:-

We have worked hard in parenting to teach our children how to behave and maintain our relationships with them. We've always wanted quite the "nice kids". We want children to be well-adjusted adults who are our friends.

We have learned from our experiences by making mistakes. We are not consultants. We are trying to give good guidance to our children through our experience. We do not want to lose anything in the upbringing of our children. 

We try to do as much as possible from our experience. We will give positive style guidance to the children.

Learning to make kids happy

It's been great so far. We've never experienced "awesome couplets". Never during a relationship have we encountered behavior or outbursts that cannot be quickly corrected. We have enjoyed watching our children grow into happy, well-adjusted teenagers.

Also read about Good parenting 

Don't be shy to be with us in public,

We believe we've avoided many of the common parenting pitfalls by using healthy communication, leadership, conflict resolution and behavior management early in our children's lives. In this article, we provide positive parenting tips that have made a big difference to us.

Positive Parenting tips:-

  • Talk about what you want instead of what you don't want to do.

  • We've found that it's quite easy to speak about what you don't want, which we often slip into this bad habit.

  • For example, we tend to gravitate towards statements like:

  •  Don't spill the milk!

  •  Don't leave shoes on the floor.

  • Do not forget to do your homework.

  • Don't ask me that!

  •  Don't slam the door!

When these statements achieve far better results:

  • Take care with that glass.

  • Put your shoes in the closet, please.

  • Do not forget to do your homework.

  • Don't ask me that!

  •  Don't slam the door!

  • When these statements achieve far better results:

  • Put your shoes in the closet, please.

  • Do not forget to do your homework.

  • I  might appreciate it if you could watch your tone when you talk to me.

  •  Close the door before slamming it

Positive Parenting Tip –
  • Replace “but” with “and”.
How would you feel if your supervisor came to you and said something like, "We adore what you've done this year, but..."You need to work hard to apply a positive style.You become a linseed and stop telling the mistakes of the child. Appreciate a child's work. Count the mistakes he has made well. This is proof of your being lazy.You need to work hard to apply a positive style.
  • You become a linseed and stop telling the mistakes of the child. Appreciate a child's work. Count the mistakes he has made well. This is proof of your being lazy.

    Rather than saying, "You did an excellent job vacuuming the carpet, but you missed this spot." Try this: "You did an excellent job vacuuming the carpet, and there is one small spot that needs more attention."But it negates everything before it and typically precedes a critical or negative comment. "A" joins two ideas together without a negative connotation

    We recommend that you simply work extra hard to apply this positive parenting tip. Saying things like, "you're  honest boy" or an honest girl", this is hardly said. This is not hard work.

     Take care with that glass.

  • Well, your kids are the same .

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